Shipping Information


Here are Replica Handbag , we offer a flat shipping rate system. We charge $30 across Eastern Canada  Western Canada, $25 for Ontario and $20 for Quebec and flat shipping rates for all other countries internationally.

Shipping within Canada is by Expedited Canada Post, and for customers in the US outside of New York City. For New York City orders shipping is with UPS. For  elsewhere in the world, we ship by UPS. We can also ship by courier and overnight. Customers would need to specify this at checkout, when paying for the item, or call our team to discuss this alternate shipping method. All packages are insured and sent with signature confirmation.



If you live in the US or internationally, you are responsible for any customs fees and taxes applied by your country. We state the item is used and give the value as the amount you paid for your purchase minus the shipping charge.



Non-layaway purchases will be shipped out either same day or the next morning following purchase. Affirm orders will be shipped out within 24-48 hours of purchase. Orders to Quebec and Ontario will often arrive within 1-2 business days from shipment time. Most shipments across Canada and the US will arrive within 4-6 business days. Shipments outside of North America may take 1-2 business weeks.



For Montreal area customers, you can save the shipping fee by selecting “Montreal Pickup” at checkout. You must contact us to make an appointment to pick up your purchase at our offices.