
Welcome to the new payment plan
from Replica Handbag .

We’re making it even easier for you to buy what you love! Partnering with Affirm, this new offering will allow you to select one of three payment plan options that best suits your needs. After your initial payment, the items will be sent to you right away! Now you can shop with confidence knowing that returns will be accepted on payment plan purchases. What could be easier?

Spread out your payments

With Affirm

Pay in 4

For purchases under $1000, 4 biweekly, interest-free payments can be automatically charged to your debit or credit card, with an initial payment on the day of purchase. It’s simple and quick! 


Pay monthly

Spread the cost of a purchase over $1000 into 3 easy monthly payments interest-free, or 6 easy monthly payments. 0-31.99% APR (where applicable and subject to provincial regulatory limitations). Subject to eligibility check and approval. A down payment may be required. See actual terms at checkout.  

What is Affirm?

Affirm (formerly known as PayBright) is one of Canada’s leading installment payment platforms, providing shoppers with buy now, pay later solutions at their favourite retailers, both in-store and online. By selecting Affirm as a payment method at checkout, customers can enjoy their purchase immediately, while spreading their payments over time.

Why Use Affirm?

Instant decision

Get approved within minutes, with no credit check for 'Pay in 4 plan'. Fill out a few small details for approval on longer term plans (credit checks may apply).

Quick and convenient checkout

Place your order quickly and easily by choosing Affirm as your payment choice at checkout. Simply enter a few details to get an instant decision. Then, complete your purchase.

Easy payments

Affirm will automatically debit payments from your chosen Visa or Mastercard debit or credit card, or can be withdrawn directly from your bank account for the monthly plans.

How do I use Affirm?



Browse Replica Handbag and add your favourite finds to your shopping cart.



When you reach checkout, choose Affirm as your payment method.



Complete your purchase with your first payment, and pay the rest later in equal payments according to your selected payment plan.



The remaining payments are charged to your debit or credit card, or can be withdrawn directly from your bank account for the monthly plans.

Payment TablE

Pay in 4 Payment Schedule

Purchase Amount Bi-Weekly Payments Number of Payments Total Interest Charges Total Processing Fees Total Cost of Borrowing Total Repayment Amount Credit Rate
$200.00 $50.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 0%

Pay in 3 Months Payment Schedule

Purchase Amount Monthly Payments Number of Payments Total Interest Charges Total Processing Fees Total Cost of Borrowing Total Repayment Amount Credit Rate
$3000.00 $1000.00 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3000.00 0%

Pay in 6 Months Payment Schedule

Purchase Amount Monthly Payments Number of Payments Total Interest Charges Total Processing Fees Total Cost of Borrowing Total Repayment Amount Credit Rate
$6000.00 $1000.00 + interest 6 Variable $0.00 Variable $6000.00 + interest Variable



Orders & Returns

Additional help

*Please note that Affirm is an independent payment company and Replica Handbag has no influence over whether your payment with Affirm is accepted or not. If you have any trouble with your order, please contact Affirm via their website contact form.