Replica Handbag is the premier online consignment destination in Canada for Best Quality Replica Handbags designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and accessories. We specialize in consigning luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Dior, Saint Laurent and more. Based in Montreal, we acquire secondhand purses and preloved fashions from across Canada and we make Replica Handbags luxury items available across Canada and internationally at discounted prices. Shipping: $30 Western & Eastern Canada | $25 Ontario | $20 Quebec | flat rates internationally.
Consign with Replica Handbag
*Note consignment is only available in Canada*
We make it easy! We’re devoted to bringing our customers the finest pre-owned Best Quality ated designer fashions and accessories and our team works hard to sell your items. Learn how you can earn 50% to 80% of the sale price of your second-hand designer items by selling with us.
We are a well-established online retailer specializing in Replica Handbags designer fashions and handbags. We sell more Replica Handbags bags alone than anyone else in Canada. We employ a full time marketing expert and we also have a full time Coordinator of Consignment and Sales. So you are in good hands when you work with us.
We offer several great payment plans which really facilitate selling your items quickly by making the purchasing process simple for the customer. Once the initial deposit has been made, and the return period has lapsed, you will get paid right away, the customer gets the item(s) right away, and we take care of the rest! And finally we have hundreds of buyers who are looking for specific handbags and we contact them as soon as the bag they want comes in, thanks to our custom-made alerts/notification system.
Yes, we Best Quality ate every item we sell, both in-house, and utilizing a third-party service, Entrupy, as needed. When sending your items for resale, we remind you that it is an offence under Canadian law to import, export or trade in counterfeit products. In order to comply with Canadian laws, and to mitigate its risk with respect to the receipt of counterfeit products, we enforce a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding counterfeit products. In the event of a seller submitting counterfeit products for consignment, a $150 CAD per item fee will be charged for the return of any counterfeit products, payable within seven days of being notified, or the item(s) will be destroyed in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act.
Brands in demand are Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Celine, Chloe, Valentino, Prada, Gucci, Saint Laurent and many others. Please reference our designers accepted list for a complete view on which designers we sell across which categories.
We do not buy items. All of our items are sold on consignment.
We charge 50 – 20% of the selling price of the bag depending on the cost. The more expensive the item, the lower the consignment fee.
In order to provide the buyer with an Best Quality ity certifıcate, a fee of $25 CAD ($125 - $150 CAD for Hermes) will be deducted from the seller's portion on most handbags, subject to the successful completion of sale. The only potential other extra charge will be in the event of needing to get your items dry cleaned, or cleaned in-house. We recommend; however, that you take this step prior to sending us your items in order to get them live on the website quicker.
We consider the original retail value, its condition, current fashion trends, what our clients are generally looking for, and comparable sales.
Most of our items do. We require that you allow us at least 6 months to try and sell your handbags, clothing, jewelry, footwear, and other accessories. As all items are unique, factors of size, condition, and color may affect the time period in which your item sells. After the consignment period, we will contact you to discuss reducing the prices or returning your items back to you. We will NEVER reduce the price of your items without your approval.
Please ship your items to us by Canada Post or the courier service of your choice with a signature required to ensure you can track your parcel. Please send us over the tracking number once you have it. The trick is to send your items in the right size box to keep costs down. In Montreal, you can drop off your items at our office.
Additionally, for those consigning 4+ items, we will provide free shipping or local pickup from Montreal.
As of November 2017, we will issue payments via direct deposit using a third-party payment service: Plooto. If you do not wish to receive your funds digitally, please contact
You will be paid three to four weeks after your item has sold and the buyer’s return period has lapsed.
BUYING FROM Replica Handbag
We take great pride in selling only 100% Best Quality designer handbags, fashions, and accessories and stand behind our guarantee that they are Best Quality . We have a rigorous curation process in place to ensure all the items are high-quality and Best Quality . Every item that we receive is checked in-house by several members of our expert team. We also work with a third-party Best Quality ation service as needed for our handbags. All fine jewelry is sent to an external licensed gemologist for an Best Quality ity check and appraisal.
Not only are counterfeits or fakes a violation of a brand’s intellectual property, but also many of the networks creating these fakes rely on illegal forced and child labor. The criminal networks that are closely associated with the production of fake designer goods have also been tied to human, drug, and arms trafficking and the funding of terrorism. Buying or selling fakes is illegal.
All items on our website are pre-owned but in very good to pristine. As a re-seller of pre-owned designer goods, we sell as is. It is important for us to ensure that what you see on our website is exactly what you will receive, so we inspect every item to carefully assess its quality. Please note that we do not provide a “warranty” of the workmanship of the brand—that would be covered by the brand manufacturer and you should contact them. We photograph and describe each item as accurately as possible, noting any signs of wear in the description under "Condition" so you to know what to expect.
Pristine (can be new with tags or new without tags): New and unworn, in perfect condition.
Exceptional (can be new with tags or new without tags): Like new – hardly noticeable signs of wear. These items are mostly perfect with minimal visible surface scuffs.
Excellent: Very gently worn – light signs of wear. This could include very small marks or light scuffs/minor snags.
Very Good: Several signs of wear. This could include more noticeable marks or light scratches/small pulls. -
Our team works incredibly hard to photograph & describe all crucial details of each preloved item. We measure, write and photograph everything in-house and pay careful attention to do so with supreme accuracy. We photograph every bag in the same studio setup to control outlying variables and keep color consistency. We encourage customers to look at the product on several screens prior to purchase as screen calibration may adjust the appearance of a color.
Absolutely, if you are in Montreal, make an appointment to visit our showroom. Please book your time by contacting us at (438) 384-6983 or email
Yes, if you are based in Montreal. Once you have put in your name and payment information online, you will be given the choice to pick up your purchase in Montreal. Just contact us to make arrangements:
No. The price of an item is pre-approved by our consignors and is not negotiable.
Yes we do, items will be reduced if they have not been sold for some time. Items that have been reduced can be found in our Sale section. Additionally, we do have some specialty sales throughout the year. To make sure you don't miss those, sign up for our newsletter.
Be the first to know when the bag you're looking for arrives with our customized alert system. Simply enter in your email address and the name and designer of the bag and you'll be notified once it's listed on our website.
As all of our items are sold on consignment, the inclusions vary. Please reference the bottom bullet point on any given listing to determine what comes along with it (i.e a dust cover, box, etc...). If there is no mention of inclusions, then the item will come as is.
Unfortunately, no. We cannot apply these after the fact. You may contact our team directly to cancel your order, and then immediately order again with the forgotten code, or you may save the code / Love it Rewards to apply onto your next order.
Yes. If you sign up for our newsletter, you will receive a code for $30 off your first purchase.
Yes, with our Love it Rewards you can obtain credit for every purchase you make and redeem them anytime. Orders below $1500 will receive 1% in rewards, orders between $1500-$3499.99 will receive 1.5% in rewards, and orders above $3500 will receive 2% in rewards. For more information about the rewards click here.
Shipping & Delivery
We offer $30 flat rate shipping across Eastern Canada and Western Canada, $25 for Ontario, $20 for Quebec and flat shipping rates for all other countries internationally. Shipping within Canada and the U.S. is by Expedited Canada Post. With the exception of shipments to New York City which are sent by UPS. Elsewhere in the world we ship by UPS. We can also ship by courier and overnight. Customers would need to specify this at checkout, when paying for the item. All packages are insured and sent with signature confirmation.
Yes, we do.
If you live in the US or internationally, you are responsible for any customs fees and taxes applied by your country. We state the item is used and give the value as the amount you paid for your purchase minus the shipping charge.
Non-layaway orders will be shipped out either same day or the next morning following purchase. Affirm orders will be shipped out 24-48 hours following purchase. Orders to Quebec and Ontario will often arrive within 1-2 business days from shipment time. Most shipments across Canada and the US will arrive within 4-6 business days. Shipments outside of North America may take 1-2 business weeks.
Unfortunately, we don't (aside from occasional promotions).
For Montreal area customers, you can save the shipping fee by selecting “Montreal Pickup” at checkout. You must contact us to make an appointment to pick up your purchase at our showroom.
Yes, all packages shipped by Replica Handbag are tracked. Once the package has been packed and shipped you will receive an email notification which will include the tracking information.
Returns & Cancelations
Yes, for non-layaway orders (no longer an active plan), you may return the item for a full refund (minus the original shipping charges) if you notify us within 48 hours (inclusive of weekends and holidays) from when your package is delivered. You can contact us at or call us at (438) 384-6983.
All items must be in the same condition as when received and the security tags and/or return stickers must be attached and intact in order to receive the refund. You have 10 days to ensure the returned item to arrives back to us after we’ve been notified of the return.
To prevent unnecessary returns, please read the description very carefully, have a close look at the photos and note the size. We take great care in describing and photographing the items. Please remember that our items have been preowned. You are responsible for all shipping charges. Please return the item with a tracking number; this ensures you know we have received it. Returning the parcel is the buyer's responsibility.
Returns from the US must adhere to all of the general return policies stated in the question above, and must begin by contacting our team within 2 days of the product(s)' delivery.
Once our team has acknowledged your return request, you must ship it back within 2 days by USPS tracked shipping, and email our team the tracking number once sent out.
You MUST identify the package as a return of purchase, or we will not accept the package if duties are charged, and it will be returned to you.
We attach a security tag on all apparel and handbags and apply a return sticker on all shoes / boots that we sell. We will only accept returns if the security tag and/or return stickers remain on the items you wish to return. These tags will not damage the apparel, handbags or shoes. The hang-tag and the sticker are not re-attachable.
Yes absolutely! You can save yourself the return shipping fee by returning your items to our Montreal head office. In order to do so, please begin by contacting us at or calling (438) 384-6983 to schedule an appointment for you to come by for your return.
Once we receive the item(s) you wish to return, we will process the refund (minus the original shipping charges). You will receive an email confirming that a refund has been made within several days. Do note that it may take 3 to 5 days before this refund appears on your credit card statement or your PAYPAL balance. We are happy to refund the purchase price for the item but can not refund return shipping charges.
Yes, you can as long as we have not shipped your purchase to you. Contact us right away at if you change your mind.
As any Canadian retailer, we are required by law to charge sales taxes at checkout for all Canadian purchases. Taxes will not be directly applied to orders being shipped outside of Canada; however, all orders are subject to local taxes & duties once received in the destination country.
As of October 16, 2023, all orders will be charged in your local currency at time of browsing.
We accept all major credit cards and PayPal if you are checking out online. For Canadian consumers, we accept e-transfers and cash for Montreal pickups.
Security and confidentiality are important to us. Please read our Privacy Policy to see what precautions and steps we take.
When an order includes free shipping, only the cost of the return shipping is handled by the customer.
Payment plans
Yes we do! We’re all about making that designer item of your dreams a reality.
Partnering with Affirm, we have three different payment plans available. For orders below $1000, we offer the 'Pay in 4' plan (6 weeks, 4 biweekly interest-free payments). For orders above $1000, we offer 3 Monthly payments (3 months, 3 monthly interest-free payments), or 6 Monthly payments (6 months, 6 payments with variable interest rates). Find out more by visiting our Affirm page, or reviewing our Affirm FAQs below.
Not at the moment :( Check back soon!
You can use Affirm on In-office purchases are not eligible for Affirm.
If your basket is eligible for Affirm, the option will be presented at checkout. After confirming your phone number, you’ll be sent an SMS message to confirm your identity. You’ll then set up your payment method with Affirm and accept the terms of your payment plan.
Yes. You’ll need:
- To be the legal age of majority in the province or territory in which you reside
- To be a resident of Canada
- A Canadian Visa/Mastercard credit/debit card. Your debit card must have the Visa or Mastercard logo
- An SMS-capable Canadian phone number
To learn more about Affirm and credit checks, please read this FAQ article on the Affirm help site.
Affirm (formerly known as PayBright) is Canada’s leading installment payment provider. When you use Affirm to pay at Replica Handbag ’s checkout, you can split your purchase into 4 biweekly interest-free payments (other payment plans available at checkout).
To use Affirm as your preferred payment choice at checkout:
- Add items to your shopping cart as usual.
- Choose Affirm at checkout and enter a few details.
- Your purchase will then be split into 4 equal interest-free payments (other plans available) - subject to credit approval.
You can find them here.
If you don't see Affirm as a payment option, please see this helpful FAQ article on the Affirm help site.
At checkout, you will set up 4 convenient, automatic pre-authorized payments that are debited/charged to your Canadian Visa/Mastercard debit/credit card for the 'Pay in 4' plan. For the monthly plans, you may also link directly to your bank account for monthly withdrawals.
Affirm currently accepts Visa and Mastercard credit or debit cards. Debit cards must have the Visa or Mastercard logo. Please note that prepaid cards are not accepted.
Please reach out to the Affirm team and they will be happy to look into the options available. You can contact them using this contact form.
Affirm does not charge any late or NSF fees. For more information on fees, please see this FAQ article on the Affirm help site.
Please use an alternate payment method to complete your purchase, such as the Replica Handbag Layaway plan.
Sure, at any time! There are no penalties or fees for early repayments. To pay off your current balance, please login to the Affirm Customer Portal with the phone number you used to sign up with. If you have any additional questions about your account or payment schedule, send us a message here.
Affirm payment plans are available for orders of any value.
Affirm does not charge annual fees. For more information on related fees, please see this helpful FAQ article on the Affirm help site.
If your order total changes for any reason, your payment plan will be adjusted accordingly.
Initial payment is due at the time of purchase. Please refer to the loan agreement for all of your payment schedule information.
For help with payment information, or if you haven’t received your Affirm email confirmation, please contact the Affirm team via their website.
No, you will not be charged. If you’ve already made a payment to Affirm and are owed a refund this may take up to 5-10 business days to appear on your bank account or credit card statement. If you have any questions about the refund process, please reach out to the Affirm team through this contact form.
Purchases made using Affirm are subject to Replica Handbag ’s standard return policy. Any returns will be processed by Replica Handbag , and your Affirm balance will be reduced, cancelled, or refunded accordingly. If Replica Handbag has provided a refund to you via a gift card, you must still continue repaying your installment plan in full. For information on returns, review Replica Handbag ’s return policy here.
For help with your payment plan or if you haven’t received your confirmation email, please contact Affirm via their website. For further information, please refer to the Affirm help center or get in touch here.
Loyalty Programs & Referrals
Yes, we offer a standard program called Love it Rewards on every purchase, and elite access to Love it Rewards+ for our biggest shoppers. See details below.
Absolutely. Either login or create your account to access your unique referral code. Your code will be at the bottom of your last Love it Rewards email. Copy your link, email it, text or share it on social media! For every person you refer who has not shopped with us in the past, you will receive $20 added to your Love it Rewards balance when they checkout with their first order. Plus, they'll receive $20 off their first order as well!
The newsletter code is valid for every customer for one purchase, but is not time-limited. Your referral code will ONLY work on their first purchase. We recommend encouraging your friend to use your code first, and save that newsletter signup code for their next order :)
Unfortunately, no. In order to receive these points, your friend absolutely has to go to the website from your link.
Unfortunately, no. The referral link is a unique offer that will automatically apply at the checkout level for your first ever purchase. It cannot be joined with another discount. If you have a gift card with us; however, that can absolutely applied in tandem.
If you receive this notification, it means your email address was used at some point in the past to make a purchase on our website, and the referral offer does not apply to you. If you have not shopped with us in the past, and you receive this notification, please contact our team at or on live chat Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm EST.
Love it Rewards
Love it Rewards are loyalty $ earned on every purchase, to be redeemed on any future order. Orders below $1500 will receive 1% in rewards, orders between $1500-$3499.99 will receive 1.5% in rewards, and orders above $3500 will receive 2% in rewards. For more information about the rewards click here.
No! Your rewards are yours to use whenever you find your next dream item.
24 hours after each purchase, you will receive an email informing you of your new Love it Rewards credits, along with a code for redemption. You may redeem this code at any time at checkout by copying it directly into the gift card field, and tapping apply. The code will also be available to you at any time by logging into your user account and tapping the Love it Rewards button.
Simply login to your Replica Handbag user account and tap the Love it Rewards button. You will see your balance on top along with one unified code you may use to apply your rewards at checkout.
Yes, on any order, you may apply up to one discount code, your Love it Rewards balance code, and as many traditional gift card codes as you'd like.
Yes, you absolutely can. Simply add your Love it Rewards balance code to the discount bar, tap 'apply', and then proceed to the payment step where you will select Affirm to complete your order.
Canceled or returned items will forgo the Love it Rewards earned on that purchase. You will see your rewards balance adjust when you receive your refund/cancelation notice on your order.
Yes, by logging into your user account on Replica Handbag , you will be able to see both your traditional gift card balance, along with your Love it Rewards. These are separate, and can be applied independently, or together at checkout.
The Love it Rewards are applied only to the pre-tax purchase and do not apply to the shipping charge.
No, unfortunately, when you choose to apply your Love it Rewards at checkout, the entirety of your balance will be applied, up to the value of your purchase. Any remaining balance beyond the purchase price will remain in your account for future use.
Yes, by giving your code to a friend, they will be able to apply your Love it Rewards to their purchase. Since this code does not change, we do not recommend you give your code to anyone else, but rather contact us directly if you would like us to transfer a portion of your balance to a friend. Alternatively, you may purchase a gift card with your Love it Rewards and send the gift card to that person.
Not automatically, but we would be happy to assist you. The Love it Rewards can only apply only to one account. Please choose one account you wish to use going forward, and contact our team immediately. We will cancel your rewards on your old account, and transfer them over to your main account. You may contact our team directly either by phone at (438) 384-6983 or toll free 1-855-737-4440, or contact us by email at Please note, we will not be able to transfer your purchase history, only your rewards balance.
This process will not be automatic, but we can absolutely help you with this. If you wish to do so, please create a new user account on Replica Handbag with your new email address. Once you've done so, please contact our team directly either by phone at (438) 384-6983 or toll free 1-855-737-4440, or contact us by email at Please note, we will not be able to transfer your purchase history, only your rewards balance.
Love it Rewards +
You will receive an email in early January letting you know if you're a part of Love it Rewards+ for that year, and which tier you belong to.
Absolutely. Login/create an account under the email you've purchased under. You will be able to see your past purchases, their value, and when they were purchased. Add up the value for this year. Keep in mind, Love it Rewards+ status will be earned based on shopping subtotal, which excludes taxes and shipping.
Status is earned from January 1st through December 31st each year. Customers will be notified in early January of the following year if they're in the Love it Rewards+ club, and which tier they belong to.
The status will be active for the next full calendar year.
Unfortunately, no. New codes will not be issued until the new year.