Replica Handbag is the premier online consignment destination in Canada for Best Quality Replica Handbags designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and accessories. We specialize in consigning luxury brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Dior, Saint Laurent and more. Based in Montreal, we acquire secondhand purses and preloved fashions from across Canada and we make Replica Handbags luxury items available across Canada and internationally at discounted prices. Shipping: $30 Western & Eastern Canada | $25 Ontario | $20 Quebec | flat rates internationally.
Promotions We Offer
We’d love to help you become the new owner of any one of our carefully curated preloved luxury fashions or accessories. While our pricing is fixed, we do offer a few ways to make buying your dream items a little more affordable.
Payment Plans
Easy payment plans
Replica Handbag offers several easy payment plans to make purchasing your dream items a reality. We offer an in-house Layaway Plan, as well as three easy Affirm payment plan options. With something to suit every budget, timeline, and destination, buying preloved has never been easier!
See which plan is right for you.
Love it Rewards
With each purchase at Replica Handbag , you will automatically receive Love it Rewards. 24 hours after your purchase, you will receive an email with a Loyalty Code, and the amount of store credit you've just earned. These rewards NEVER expire and can be used on all purchases.
You may access your Loyalty Code and see your full balance at any time by logging in/creating your Replica Handbag user account.
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30$ off
The Replica Handbag newsletter is the perfect place to find out about any special promotions or sales currently running on our website. We highly encourage signing up to stay in the know. If you aren’t currently and never have been subscribed, a new signup will get you a special code for $30 off any purchase. This code will not expire, but cannot be joined with any other promotions or discounts.
Current special promotions
Consign from home
Right now, receive free shipping or Montreal courier pickup when you consign 4+ items.
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