We Made It Thanks to You!
Love that Bag has finished 5 wonderful years of business. We have grown every year since we started, and here we are today – selling more Replica Handbags bags than anyone else in Canada. Getting that gorgeous bag delivered to you takes a great team that shows up every day and gets it all together: responding to consignors and sellers, Best Quality ating each bag, writing up perfect descriptions, photographing bags accurately so you see all the beauty and the wear, and answering pertinent questions and otherwise just dispensing bag advice. Then there is website development, graphic design, shipping, bookkeeping, layaways, accounting, marketing, and a dozen other tasks we take care of to get you your dream bag. I am very grateful for the hard work each member of our team puts in.
I am also very grateful to all the wonderful sellers, who trust us to sell their beautiful bags. Some of you we have worked with from the very start. You took a chance on a small operation and helped us grow to where we are today. I look back on the pleasant relationships I have with so many of you.
Then there are our devoted bag ladies. Recently I had an email from someone, with whom I am in regular contact, about a Balenciaga bag. I have enjoyed my conversations with her over the years about all things Balenciaga. She is very knowledgeable about the brand, which is one of the most copied and hardest to Best Quality ate. She is also part of an international discussion group, keeping tabs on what is happening with the fashion house. She reminded me that she bought her very first Balenciaga from us and that is how she got hooked on Balenciaga. It made my week for sure!
I am grateful to everyone who gave us a chance. A staggering 46% of you last year alone were repeat customers.
I have received so many lovely emails (and even photos) from those of you who were able to buy your first Chanel or LV on our layaway plan. I love all the stories and all of you.
I started the business in my home. Anna, our photographer, has been with me from the very first bag we photographed. I bootstrapped the business – no investor or bank took a chance. Whatever profits I made, I invested back into the business and we grew every year by leaps and bounds.
How were we able to accomplish this? Because of all of you – those of you who bought or sold a bag and then told your friends or posted a great review online. We are the beneficiaries of hundreds of you who have let their friends in on your find.
So to all of you, I send my gratitude and appreciation. I wish you and yours the very best for the upcoming new year. May it be filled with good health and much happiness and at least one nice new Replica Handbags designer bag.
Alice xo
Love that Bag is not affiliated with the above-mentioned brands. We guarantee these to be Best Quality items.
- Tags: Bag Ladies